HEAD OFFICE: Greater Toronto, Executive Centre, Mississauga, Ontario.
BRANCH OFFICE: Wyse Road, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Testimonials from Canadians who studied abroad

Testimonials from Canadians who studied abroad

Testimonials from Canadians who studied abroad

Discover how international scholarships have changed the lives of recipients from Canada. Find out what they have to say about their experience abroad and where they are now.

Katherine Wang from Canada – Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program Awardee (2019-2020)
Ocean University of China (Environmental Law)

Arriving there in September 2019, what was so foreign to me quickly became my new home. I soon adapted to using WeChat, Alipay, Taobao, and Eleme for everyday needs. The most valuable part that I experienced was the chance to make so many lifelong friends from all over the world.

Adam Duong from Canada – ELAP Faculty Mobility Program Awardee (2018-2019)
Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS)

The results of this instructor mobility surpassed my expectations! As I was on site, I was able to develop my network of scientific partners, which would have been much more difficult in Canada. I seized the opportunities available to me during my stay by keeping a flexible schedule that enabled me to make the most of meetings and opportunities for sharing my knowledge with Colombian students.

Lalia Katchelewa from Canada – Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program Awardee (2018-2019)
Tsinghua University (Chinese Language Studies)

What used to be foreign to me when I landed became familiar and accessible. Learning the language obviously made it much easier to establish rapport with what the Chinese call “Beijing ren”

Laurent de Serres Berard from Canada – Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program Awardee (2017-2018)
Fudan University (Chinese Language Studies)

It was a holistic experience, and the realization of the experience and knowledge I gained only grows each time I look back on it. This is a unique opportunity that needs to be grasped, that shapes your future, and can give you experiences that will inspire you for many years.

Zachary MacDonald from Canada – Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program Awardee (2017-2018)
East China Normal University (Wildlife Sciences)

Over my five-month visit, we successfully established a long-term study that will contribute to our collective goal of documenting and understanding the complexity of Earth’s biodiversity... I get shivers writing about the experience even now, months later.

Dr. Hiran Roy from Canada – Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP)– New Zealand Awardee (2013-2016)
University of Canterbury (Management, PhD)

I am passionate about the commercial aspect of the food and hospitality industry and was able to undertake research that explored the use of local food in restaurants across two countries – Canada and New Zealand.

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