HEAD OFFICE: Greater Toronto, Executive Centre, Mississauga, Ontario.
BRANCH OFFICE: Wyse Road, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Testimonials from non-Canadians who studied in Canada

Testimonials from non-Canadians who studied in Canada

Testimonials from non-Canadians who studied in Canada

Receiving an international scholarship to study or conduct research in Canada or abroad can be a life changing experience. Some of the world’s best and brightest have had the opportunity to discover endless possibilities through scholarships, fellowships and other funding opportunities made available by Global Affairs Canada and other government of Canada departments and agencies.

Read past scholarship recipients’ testimonials and discover how international scholarships have changed their lives.

Africa and the Middle East
Mavis Matenge, Botswana

This program has positively transformed me as a student. It has also transformed me as an individual and reinforced my sense of purpose in peace work and education, and my belief that we all have a responsibility and a daily role to play in building safer, more just, progressive, and humane communities."

The Americas and the Caribbean
Juan Carlos Mendez, Costa Rica

"This scholarship program represents a great opportunity for any student and scholar from Latin America interested in learning more about Canadian culture and values, and for those willing to experience a high-level academic environment, in which the only thing that matters is your personal and professional skills and capabilities, thus not your nationality, political or religious view or color of your skin."

The Americas and the Caribbean
Juan Carlos Mendez, Costa Rica

"This scholarship program represents a great opportunity for any student and scholar from Latin America interested in learning more about Canadian culture and values, and for those willing to experience a high-level academic environment, in which the only thing that matters is your personal and professional skills and capabilities, thus not your nationality, political or religious view or color of your skin."

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